LEJAK is a leading supplier of freight car wheels, axles, truck components, custom built fabrications and locomotive products to the North American railroad industry.

LEJAK is an established supplier of forged (wrought) freight car and locomotive wheels to the North American railroad industry.

LEJAK is an established supplier of rough and finished freight car axles to the North American railroad industry.

LEJAK is working with ILJIN Bearing to bring Class E & K bearings to the North American railroad market.

Freight Car and Truck Parts
LEJAK offers a variety of freight car and truck components with short lead times and competitive pricing.

LEJAK is an industry leader in the supply of freight car and tank car fabrications, including a wide range of aluminum coal car replacement parts.

NYCO Locomotive Cleaner
Nyco LW-92-D locomotive wash is a pH neutral degreaser specifically designed for use on locomotives.

ZMAX Locomotive micro-lubricant
zMAX treated locomotives are currently operating with dramatic results at several Short-Line Railroads.